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  1. Antipsychotic drugs

    Antipsychotic use is associated with significant side-effects, most notably movement disorders (tardive dyskinesia) and weight gain. It is unclear whether the atypical (second-generation) antipsychotics offer advantages over older, first generation antipsychotics. Drop-out and symptom relapse rates are similar for both classes of drugs.

    Both generations of medication block receptors in the brain's dopamine pathways, but atypical antipsychotics often act on serotonin receptors as well.

    smaxwell - 10/10/2014 - 7:56pm

  2. Drugs used to manage schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is a disorder of the mind that is debilitating and chronic. The prevalence of this disorder is about 1% of the population and seems to affect all areas of the globe equally. It is not well understood what causes the disorder.

    efaccena - 20/05/2019 - 1:03pm

  3. Schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder characterised by hallucinations, delusions, formal thought and movement disorders, behavioural changes and a lack of motivation. Symptoms are traditionally divided into positive and negative. The diagnosis is made clinically after a full psychiatric history and other causes of psychosis are excluded. The pathophysiology and causes of schizophrenia are multifaceted and extremely complex and there is no full understanding why it occurs. It has a relatively low prevalence affecting less than 1% of people in their lives.

    efaccena - 05/06/2023 - 9:46am

  4. Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

    GAD is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders and its symptoms and consequences put pressure on both general practice and emergency departments. It is generally defined as chronic, excessive worry lasting more than six months which is having a disruptive impact on a person’s life. GAD does not include anxiety that is part of another mental health disorder, a result of substance misuse or another health condition (e.g. hyperthyroidism). However, it often occurs in association with major depression.

    efaccena - 05/06/2023 - 11:35am

  5. Parkinson’s disease

    Parkinson's disease is an incurable, progressive neurodegenerative condition that is characterised by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. The disease presents with a range of

    efaccena - 20/06/2023 - 9:18am